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Me and my wife Jo, whom I set up Spirit Photographic with in 2007.

My wife Jo and I with whom I set up Spirit Photographic in 2007.

After winning the Observer Photography competition and obtaining a degree in photography I became a freelance photographer in London and have been taking pictures ever since. I still have the same passion and interest in photography and love nothing more than capturing classic images of people and places. The work we do here in Bath is studio-based and is called ‘Transformative Photography’. Whether it is portraiture or boudoir the objective is to see and capture the client in a new way and from a fresh perspective.

I was one of the pioneers in digital photography and still love to finish our images in a variety of finishes. We moved into our new premises in 2007 and Team Spirit have created the perfect environment for the sole purpose of creating special and unique images of people. Every aspect of the building is dedicated to this end and to satisfy customer needs and comfort.

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